Main connector

Connector: Binder 09 0428 90 08
  1. CAN Low
  2. CAN High
  3. SYNC input (low to high interrupt, V_IH = 2.0 ... 3.3 V, V_IL = 0.8 V max)
  4. GND
  5. RS232 TX (output)
  6. RS232 RX (input)
  7. Input voltage (5 to 28 V)
  8. GND
Mating connectors
Binder 99 0425 00 08, 99 0425 10 08, 99 0425 115 08, 99 0425 70 08, and more.

Serial protocol

COM port settings

  • Baud rate 115200 bits per second
  • Word length 8 bits (including parity)
  • Parity bits: none
  • Stop bits: 1

Protocol description

BAHRS Serial Protocol v1.1

File size: 1.33 MB

Sample data

File size: 9.51 MB

The sample was carried repeatedly 2 floors up and down.

File size: 18.16 MB

One hour of static data recording at room temperature.

CAN interface


  • Baud rate 500000 bits per second
  • Standard CAN IDs


  • CANaerospace version 1.7
  • Payload type is float

Provided messages

Frame ID­ Data Default output rate, [Hz]­ Units
300 Body longitudinal acceleration 80 g
301 Body lateral acceleration 80 g
302 Body normal acceleration 80 g
303 Body pitch rate 80 deg/s
304 Body roll rate 80 deg/s
305 Body yaw rate 80 deg/s
311 Body pitch angle 80 deg
312 Body roll angle 80 deg
314 Altitude rate 80 m/s
1069 Magnetic heading 80 deg
322 Standard altitude 80 m
326 Static pressure 10 hPa

Device configuration

Some features of the device are configurable. To modify the device's settings a user needs to change parameter values in the device's non-volatile memory (NVM).
Configurable parameters:
  • Vehicle frame
  • Magnetometer calibration (hard- and soft-iron)
  • Output rate of CAN frames
Use our python GUI to configure your sample.

Link to Github

Software updates and reprogramming

Reprogramming via RS232

Serial Wire Debug (SWD) Connector
For debug connector schematics see manual on Github.

Overview of software releases
Release Date Status
PF_1_0 27.08.2023 Stable
PF_1_1 22.01.2024 **Unstable**
PF_1_2 20.04.2024 Stable
PF_1_3 14.07.2024 **Unstable**
PF_1_4 20.09.2024 Stable
PF_2_0_beta1­ 19.10.2024 Stable
PF_1_5 18.12.2024 ­ Stable

Software architecture documentation

Available on GitHub Pages Site:

PX4 Autopilot driver

We develop the driver in a fork of the official PX4 Autopilot GitHub repository.

Link to the fork:
The latest driver release:
The driver source code is located in the following path relative to the repo root:
  • src/drivers/ins/eulernav_bahrs

Video tutorials

Re-programming via RS232

Tutorial #1: How to re-program EULER-NAV Baro-Inertial AHRS via RS232

Processing video...

Record and plot serial output

Tutorial #2: Record and plot RS232 output of EULER-NAV Baro-Inertial AHRS

Processing video...

Configuration of the device

Tutorial #3: Configuration of EULER-NAV Baro-Inertial AHRS

Processing video...

Copyright 2024 AMS Advanced Air Mobility Sensors UG. All rights reserved.